When was the last time you had a rotten, no good, very bad day? Try as we might, they happen sometimes — and when they do, it’s best to just pour yourself a big glass of wine, go to bed by 8:30, and hope that tomorrow is better.
The 25 people below all just had a day like that, but theirs are of particularly epic proportions. Browse the total trainwrecks below and reassure yourself with one thing: As bad as your day may have been, it probably wasn’t as bad as this.
#1. The owner of this car.
#2. The baby who got way too into this green paint situation.
#3. The boy who got just a little too close to this pigeon.
#4. The people who got stuck on this ride at the worst possible moment.

#5. This guy.
#6. The person who has been using this professional profile pic.

#7. The tourists who just wanted to see the elephants.

#8. The guy who did this today.

#9. The dude who thought his car would make it through.

#10. The man who didn’t watch where he was going.

#11. The person who really, really unlocked their car.

#12. The guy who just didn’t know how to park.

#13. The kid who let the bee get the best of him.

#14. The girl that baked her phone into a cake.

#15. The man who took a wrong term.

#16. The cement truck that got a little too excited.

#17. The guy who just wanted to check his mail.

#18. The biker whose trip got cut short.

#19. The guy who didn’t even see it coming.

#20. The owners of both of these cars.

#21. The moving day that didn’t go as planned.

#22. The girl who thought she made it in at the last second.

#23. The guy whose car became a hive on wheels.

#24. The police officer whose horse turned on him.

#25. The bear who made your car a home.

This isn’t even cool though.
Hate it when this happens.
Satan was in this kitchen today.
Someone must really hate this person.
Why even bother carrying on?
Don’t even get us started.
Deep breaths.
Abandon all hope.
They did this just to mess with you.
This may have triggered a stroke.
This is giving us flashbacks to the worst day in middle school.

This whole paper is cursed.
Just give up.
It’s a sign: Have a sandwich instead.
I’ve lost years of my life to this.
So this is what hell looks like.
This was a dark day.
They make it impossible for you to follow directions.

Bottled water it is.
This cant be real…can it?
Admit it: You’d drink it anyways.