Categories: lifehacksforu

Simple & Quick Way to Make Mosquito Repellant Candle


Summer is coming – which means, mosquitos are going to disturb your precious night time. You already know how mosquitoes come out in full force as soon as the weather turns warm. Let’s get prepared to save ourselves from this disaster!


Source: Flickr/Poirpom

You can try to rid yourself of these pesky little buggers with chemical sprays, but it tends to leave behind an icky film on your skin and clothes. Plus, those hard to pronounce ingredients are somewhat questionable to your health!

Thankfully, there’s a better alternative out there which is 100% natural and is something you can use all summer long. Plus, it’ll even keep other bugs from making a meal out of you, too.

Want to know what it is? Then check out the simple step-by-step instructions below to learn how to make your own DIY mosquito repellent candles. It’s so easy, that even your kids can make one with you.

Source: YouTube


DIY Mosquito Repellent Candle:

You’ll need the following supplies, some of which you may already have in your kitchen. The only real expense might be the lemongrass essential oil, which isn’t a common household item that most of us have on hand.

  • Pint-sized Mason Jars
  • Floating Candles
  • Lemons
  • Limes
  • Basil
  • Lemongrass Essential Oil

Yep, this is all you need to make a yummy smelling (to us, anyway) candle to keep the summertime bugs at bay!

Source: YouTube


1. Slice Up The Lemons and Limes

Slice up one lemon and one lime, then start piling them on top of each other inside the mason jar until it looks like a citrus layer cake.

Be sure to save a few slices for the other mason jar. There should be enough to make two adorable DIY candles.

Source: YouTube


2. Add Basil, Then Water The Garden


Throw in a few sprigs of fresh basil (dried won’t work here) and then fill the mason jar almost to the top with water.

Stop at the threads where the lid screws onto the jar. You’ll need some wiggle room in a couple of more steps.

Source: YouTube


3. Lemongrass


Next, add in 10-15 drops of lemongrass essential oil, then use a spoon to lightly mix it into the water.

Be careful not to disturb the pretty garden display. Basically, you’re just smooshing the oil into the basil leaves.


4. Light It Up!


This next part is almost too easy to mention, but it’s the most important step. Grab a floating candle, and drop it on top of all that wonderful smelling produce. You’re all set!

Take the candle outside, and when you’re ready to send the mosquitoes back from whence they came, light that sucker up!

Of course, the best part has been saved for last. All you have to do now is sit back and enjoy the wonderful aroma.

Oh, and enjoy having a pest-free summer. You’re welcome.

Source: YouTube


Why This Works


Lemongrass contains citronella, which is a natural mosquito repellent. The same goes for basil, which has a fragrance that’s a little bit too pungent for their taste.

Were it not for the floating candle, this could easily be mistaken for another fun mason project: salads-to-go! In this case, however, there’s not a hungry bug within a thousand miles that wants to eat this or will come anywhere near it.